Our Experiences.

Are you going through a Spiritual Awakening?

This may be the case if your perception of Life and your own being is changing so suddenly. You are getting aware of your emotional patterns and reactions, of familial and social conditioning, and you are wanting to take responsability for your own healing.

We have programs available to support you through this amazing transformation to reach higher levels of Clarity, Presence, Empowerment and Love.

This may be for you if you feel loneliness, confusion, a sense of stuckness, density, fear and/or feeling like your heart is closed off to people around you.

This state of limbo is part of the process, but you don’t need to stay in it!

Don’t be shy to reach out and ask all your questions through a discovery call to choose what kind of help suits you best !

Sound Healing


Private Sound Healing

Two whole hours to deep dive into your innerworld with sounds and vibrations as allies and guides. Get access to your higher mind in a safe and sacred space where love prevails and connect to your own healing abilities. This sacred time for yourself includes guidance from Source and guided meditation to ease in your way into healing.


Group Sound Healing

By the synergy created in these sessions, we open the opportunity to gather and heal as a Community and share in a sacred safe space in an authentic way. They may include a sharing circle of 3 people and more. If you have a place in mind and would like to have a session with friends, family or colleagues (…) I can come to you, hold space for all and conduct sound healing.


Remote Sound Healing

You would like to have access to sound healing in the comfort of your home to explore your innerworld on your own time ? Everything is possible. Book a session so I can record a personalised sound healing guided meditation for you based on our talks and an energy reading to best support you in what you are going through or wish to manifest.



Frequency Awakening

Learn how to connect and play with your instruments in a therapeutic way, to bring healing, balance, power, and intention to your life.


The Sound Healer Path

This it it! You feel that strong call to be of Service to Others through sound and energy healing. Well! I am honoured to guide you into becoming a sound healing practitioner. Through lots of practice and a little study, I want to help you find your own voice, your own sound medicine and learn to listen and read frequencies beyond sound with compassion, love and soul.



Higher Self Alignment

Need guidance on an important decision, on understanding your body’s sensations on an energetic level, a new pathway, a heart’s desire…? You’re determined to create a brighter version of your Life ? I help you connect with your internal guidance system and tune into the right frequency to create that vision you cherish. Throughout my spiritual path, I have accumulated many tools and concepts that can help unlock new levels of your experience to get from Consumer to Conscious Creator of your brillant Life.

Let’s access your Higher Mind and Create !